Management HR
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        Human resource management (HRM) is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization's most valued assets - the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the business. The terms "human resource management" and "human resources" (HR) have largely replaced the term "personnel management" as a description of the processes involved in managing people in organizations. In simple words, HRM means employing people, developing their capacities, utilizing, maintaining and compensating their services in tune with the job and organizational requirement.
        Oferim servicii de calitate in domeniul Resurselor Umane, administrare de personal si salarizare, ce se adreseaza in principal firmelor mici si mijlocii, care doresc externalizarea acestor servicii. Experienta noastra se bazeaza pe activitatea desfasurata in acest domeniu intr-o perioada de timp de peste 20 ani.
     Strategiile dezvoltate la firmele in care au fost aplicate au adus un plus de valoare business-ului.
       Avantajele externalizarii Departamentului Resurselor Umane sunt in principal legate de costuri care sunt substantial mai mici,la care se adauga servicii de calitate superioara precum si promptitudine in efectuarea acestora.

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